What is varroasis?

Varroosis is a parasitic disease of domestic honeybees caused by the mite Varroa destructor. This mite attaches itself to adult bees, larvae, and nymphs, where it feeds on their blood and fat.

Varroosis is a serious disease that can lead to the death of bee colonies. It is responsible for the decline in honey production and the disappearance of numerous bee colonies worldwide.

Symptoms of Varroosis

The symptoms of varroosis can be divided into two categories: visible symptoms and invisible symptoms.

Visible Symptoms

The visible symptoms of varroosis are the easiest to detect. They include:

  • Atrophied, poorly nourished, and weak bees. They often have deformed wings and stiff legs.
  • Dead bees in front of the hive.
  • Mosaic brood pattern, with dead nymphs in the cells.
  • Weakened hives with reduced honey production.

Invisible Symptoms

The invisible symptoms of varroosis are more challenging to detect. They include:

  • A decrease in pollen and nectar production.
  • An increase in bee restlessness.
  • A reduction in bee longevity.
  • An increase in bee susceptibility to diseases.

How to Detect Varroosis?

The best way to detect varroosis is to regularly inspect your colonies. You can perform a visual inspection by examining the bees and brood. You can also use an acaricide to kill mites and confirm the presence of the disease.

Impact on Bees

Here are some specific effects of varroosis on bees:

Atrophy: Bees infected with varroosis can become atrophied, meaning they are small and weak.

Deformed Wings: Bees infected with varroosis can have deformed wings, making them less capable of flying.

Death: Bees infected with varroosis can die prematurely.

Reduced Honey Production: Bee colonies infected with varroosis produce less honey.

Increased Susceptibility to Diseases: Bees infected with varroosis are more susceptible to diseases.

Varroosis can also lead to the death of bee colonies. When the number of infected bees becomes too high, the colony can collapse.

How to Treat Varroosis?

There are several treatments for varroosis. The most common treatments are chemical treatments, which are effective but can have negative effects on bees and the environment.

There are also natural treatments, which are less effective but safer for bees. These treatments include the use of organic acids, bee products, or physical methods.

For a safe and effective treatment, use Stop Varroa, which is the only treatment that eliminates 100% of varroa mites. It can also be used in organic beekeeping. Stop Varroa is safe for bees and does not contaminate your honey.

How to Prevent Varroosis?

Preventing varroosis is the best solution. You can take the following measures to prevent the disease:

  • Perform regular inspections of your colonies.
  • Remove capped brood as soon as it is capped.
  • Use hives with thermal insulation.
  • Avoid mixing hives from different regions.
  • Promote biodiversity around your hives.

Here are some additional tips to prevent varroosis:

Use clean and disinfected suits when inspecting your colonies. This will help prevent the spread of the disease from one hive to another.

Store your hives in a clean and dry location. This will help prevent the spread of the disease by parasites or diseases.

Monitor your neighbors' hives. If a neighbor's hive is infected with varroosis, it's important to take measures to protect your own colonies.

By following these tips, you can help protect your bee colonies from varroosis.

Here are some specific results you can expect from varroosis prevention:

  • Healthier and more disease-resistant bee colonies.
  • Increased honey production.
  • Reduced risk of colony loss.

By protecting your bee colonies from varroosis, you contribute to the health of the environment and the preservation of these valuable pollinators.


Varroosis is a serious disease that threatens the survival of domestic bees. Beekeepers must be aware of this threat and take measures to prevent it.