Varroa: The parasite that kills bees and how to fight it
The Varroa Destructor is a microscopic mite that attacks honeybees. This parasite is native to Asia and has spread worldwide, becoming one of the main threats to the health of bee colonies. Varroa weakens bees and makes them vulnerable to diseases, which can lead to the death of the colony.
How Varroa Affects Bees
Varroa attaches to the bodies of bees and feeds on their hemolymph (bee blood). This weakens the bees and makes them more susceptible to diseases. Varroa can also transmit viruses to bees, further worsening their health.
Symptoms of Varroa Infestation
Symptoms of Varroa infestation may include:
- Weak and Deformed Bees: Bees infested with Varroa may be weakened and have deformed wings.
- Reduced Bee Population in the Colony: A colony infested with Varroa will have a lower bee population than normal.
- Presence of Varroa Mites on Bees: Varroa mites are small red mites that can be observed on the bodies of bees, especially on the thorax and abdomen.
- Uncapped Brood: Varroa can attack bee larvae, resulting in uncapped brood (eggs and larvae not covered by a thin layer of wax).
- Black Spots on Bee Wings: Bees infested with Varroa may have black spots on their wings.
If you notice any of these symptoms, it's important to inspect your hive more thoroughly for signs of Varroa infestation.
Tips for Inspecting Your Hive:
- Gently remove frames from the hive and examine them carefully.
- Look for Varroa mites on the bodies of bees, as well as on the brood.
- You can also use a Varroa tray to detect mites that fall from the bees.
If you confirm the presence of Varroa in your hive, it's important to take steps to treat the infestation.
How to Combat Varroa
There are several methods to combat Varroa:
- Chemical Treatments: There are chemical products available to kill Varroa. These products should be used with caution as they can also be toxic to bees.
- Biological Treatments: There are also biological treatments available to combat Varroa. These treatments use natural enemies of Varroa, such as predatory mites.
- Cultural Techniques: There are also cultural techniques that beekeepers can use to reduce the impact of Varroa. These techniques include using smaller brood cells and removing drones.

Stop Varroa: An Effective and Safe Solution to Combat the Parasite
To effectively combat the formidable Varroa Destructor, a mite threatening the health of honeybees, Stop Varroa offers an organic and easy-to-use solution to fight against this parasite.
Simple and Effective Treatment:
The Stop Varroa treatment stands out for its ease of use. Simply lift the frames of the hive one by one and spray both sides with the product. This treatment guarantees a 100% success rate and eliminates the Varroa colony within 24 hours.
Biological and Safe Solution:
Stop Varroa is the only treatment on the market capable of eliminating 100% of Varroa mites. Furthermore, it is certified for organic beekeeping and poses no danger to bees. Unlike chemical treatments, Stop Varroa does not poison honey and does not contaminate the environment.
A Responsible Choice for Bee Protection:
By choosing Stop Varroa, you are opting for an effective and environmentally friendly solution. By fighting Varroa, we contribute to the protection of honeybees, which play a crucial role in plant pollination and biodiversity preservation.
The Varroa is a formidable parasite that poses a major threat to the health of honeybees. It is important for beekeepers to be aware of the dangers of Varroa and to take necessary measures to combat this parasite.
- Regularly inspect your bee colonies to detect the presence of Varroa.
- Use a Varroa treatment method suitable for your situation.
- Consult an experienced beekeeper for advice on combating Varroa.
By fighting Varroa, we can contribute to protecting honeybees and ensuring the pollination of the plants we depend on.