Varroa: everything you need to know to protect your bees

Varroa is a parasite that infects domestic bees and can lead to their death. It is considered one of the primary factors responsible for the decline of bee populations worldwide.

This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to understand varroa, recognize signs of infection, and take measures to protect your bees.

What is Varroa?

Varroa is a microscopic mite that attaches itself to bees. It feeds on the bees' hemolymph and can transmit diseases to them.

Varroa is originally from Asia and was introduced to Europe in the 1970s. It has since spread worldwide and is present in all European countries.

How to Recognize Varroa?

Varroa can be difficult to see with the naked eye, but it is possible to recognize it by examining the bees.

Varroa is a small, round or elongated body, brown or white in color, that attaches to the backs of bees. It measures approximately 1.5 to 1.8 mm in length and 1 to 1.2 mm in width. It is usually visible on adult bees, but it can also infect larvae and nymphs.

If you suspect a varroa infestation, you can use a method called the "sugar roll test" to confirm the diagnosis.

The sugar roll test is a simple and non-invasive method that can be used to detect the presence of varroa mites in a hive. To perform this test, you will need a plastic or glass container, powdered sugar, and water.

Fill the container with water to a depth of 1 cm. Add a teaspoon of powdered sugar to the water. Remove a few bees from the hive and place them in the container. Leave the bees in the container for 15 minutes. Remove the bees from the container and inspect them.

How to Treat Varroa?

There are several treatments available for varroa. The most common treatments are chemical treatments, but there are also biological and natural treatments.

Chemical treatments are effective at killing varroa mites, but they can also be harmful to bees and the environment.

Biological treatments use natural parasites or predators of varroa to control them. These treatments are generally safer for bees and the environment, but they may be less effective than chemical treatments.

Natural treatments use natural substances to kill varroa mites. These treatments are generally safe for bees and the environment, but they may be less effective than chemical or biological treatments.

What Effective and Safe Treatments to Use to Eliminate Varroa?

The Stop Varroa treatment is the only one that eliminates 100% of varroa mites. It can also be used in organic beekeeping. Stop Varroa is safe for bees and does not contaminate your honey.

The Stop Varroa treatment is an effective solution for combating varroa. It eradicates varroa in just 24 hours while being suitable for organic beekeeping, ensuring the safety of your bees. It stands out as the only treatment with a 100% success rate, backed by a satisfaction guarantee. Its application is simple, directly sprayed on both sides of the frame using a sprayer. Moreover, it can be used year-round, regardless of weather and temperature conditions. Economical, one liter of this treatment can treat up to 20 hives, and its durability provides protection against varroa for a year.

To order Stop Varroa, you can visit their official website here.

How to Prevent Varroa?

The best way to prevent varroa is to adopt biosecurity measures. These measures include:

- Using clean and disinfected equipment

- Importing hives and bees from known sources

- Regularly inspecting hives for signs of infection


Varroa is a dangerous parasite that can lead to the death of bees. It is important to understand varroa, recognize signs of infection, and take measures to protect your bees.