Why has my honey production decreased?
Honey is a valuable product that is appreciated for its nutritional benefits and medicinal properties. However, global honey production declined by 13% in 2022 to 1.6 million tonnes. This decline is due to several factors, including climate change, the prevalence of varroa destructor and the use of pesticides.
Climate change
Climate change is significantly affecting beekeeping and honey production. Changes in climatic conditions disrupt the flowering cycles of plants, essential for bee nutrition. Unpredictable seasons, prolonged dry spells, or excessive rainfall limit the availability of nectar and pollen, thereby reducing the amount of honey produced. In addition, increasing temperatures promote the proliferation of parasites and diseases such as Varroa, endangering the health of bee colonies. These changes result not only in lower honey production, but also in increased variability from year to year, making beekeeping more difficult and uncertain.
What can you do to help?
You can help reduce the impact of climate change on honey production. Here are some simple actions you can adopt:
- Reduce your consumption of energy and resources. This will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which are one of the main causes of climate change .
- Plant trees and flowers in your garden. This will provide sources of food and nectar for bees, which are essential for pollination.
- Support organizations working to protect bees and the environment. They take action to protect bees and their habitats.
Varroa destructor
Varroa destructor is a parasitic mite that weakens bees and can kill them. It is present in all beekeeping countries around the world and is one of the main threats to bee health.
Varroa feeds on the blood of bees and weakens them by depriving them of essential nutrients. It can also transmit viruses and bacteria to bees, which can lead to their death.
The impact of varroa on honey production
Bee colonies infested with varroa produce less honey than healthy colonies. This is because bees weakened by varroa are less able to forage and collect nectar.
A study showed that a varroa infestation of 3 mites per 100 bees can result in a reduction in honey production of 3 kg per hive. Beyond 5 mites per 100 bees, nearly 6.5 kg of honey is lost on average.

What can you do to protect your honey production?
There are several steps you can take to protect your honey production from varroa destructor:
- Inspect your hives regularly for signs of infestation.
- Use varroa treatments approved by health authorities.
- Adopt healthy beekeeping practices to strengthen your colonies' resistance to disease.
By taking these steps, you can help protect your honey production and the future of beekeeping.
Stop Varroa treatment
A serious Varroa infestation can lead to a 30% reduction in the bee colony. To solve this problem, a scientific team has developed a revolutionary product against varroa, it is Stop Varroa.
Stop Varroa is the only one to eliminate 100% varroa. It can also be used in organic beekeeping. Stop Varroa is safe for bees and will not poison your honey.
Stop Varroa treatment is organic and easy to use. It guarantees a 100% success rate. Simply lift the frames one by one, then spray both sides with the treatment. The varroa colony will be completely destroyed within 24 hours.
Varroa destructor is a parasite that represents a significant threat to beekeeping. It is responsible for a reduction in honey production and the mortality of bee colonies.
It is important to take steps to protect your bee colonies from varroa destructor. By regularly inspecting your hives, using approved treatments and adopting healthy beekeeping practices, you can help protect your honey production and the future of beekeeping.